At First Community Church of Buckeye Lake, we offer a delightful, loving, and positively enriching Sunday School Classes for children in Kindergarten through 12th grade. The curriculum reflects on the mission and visions of the First Community Church.
Sunday School Classes begin at 9:15 am every Sunday morning, we also have a nursery, and a class for 3 and 4 year olds.

At the Sunday School Ministry at First Community Church of Buckeye Lake, the children are all given age appropriate opportunities to grow and develop their faith, increase their understanding of the Christian faith, and the ability to build strong relationships within their church community.
As the children take the journey through our program, the eventually gain an understanding of a loving God who accompanies them on their journey through life. They hear stories of the Bible, that teach about God’s love for us, stories about Jesus, and stories showing us how to love others. We look forward to joining you in the effort to nurture your child’s faith journey.

At the older ages, Middle School – High School, our program exists to be a saving grace for middle and high schoolers in a busy and ever changing world. We have created a community where tough questions can be asked, serving is a blessing, and everyone is accepted and welcomed.

Our goal every year is to provide the children with a confrontation with Christ. If you would like more information our Sunday School Classes, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 740-928-4976.